We tied the knot at Grittenham Barn, in 2018. When we had our initial meeting with our (amazing!) wedding photographer, she first asked: "are you planning on having an unplugged ceremony?"

My first thought was, what on earth?
Unplugged! She exclaimed.
She went on to explain how too often when she is photographing a wedding ceremony, aunt Linda in the middle row is waving her i-pad around trying to snap the best angles - meanwhile nanny Jean has caused a right commotion standing on uncle Dave, cousin Gemma and someone from the in-laws feet trying to hobble to the aisle. Yes, she has hunched over right in front of the (money well invested) photographer, and videographer, and you guessed it!
Shot ruined!
So, we thought, yes! We want our ceremony to be 'unplugged'!
We want to see your faces, not your devices!
We hated the idea of all of our beautiful, timeless photos having the magic somewhat diminished from looking at everyone's *insert bright flashy electrical image-taking device here*.
We hadn't even considered it, and why would we? Would you?
You are so wrapped up in organizing all of the fun stuff, that the little (yet important) details like this go right over your loved-up heads.
At the time, I also thought: hmm that means we haven't got amateur flash photography lighting up our faces all over the shop! I've got enough to be worrying about like holding it together so my mascara doesn't run - let alone Aunt Jane posting a picture of me on Monday with devil-red eyes, with an unattractive facial expression (at least I can count on my Photographer not to share the bloopers, right?)
Another bonus is that there is a better chance of keeping those first peeks of you and your partner the most dapper you've ever looked under wraps on the socials that little bit longer! At least until your evening guests arrive...
...So, how to tell your nearest and dearest (politely) that you would quite like the photographing to be left up to your more than capable photographer? (sorry Nan, your 2 mega-pixels won't cut it today!)
We opted for a rather considerate and moderately amusing, yet tasteful 'flyer' which I designed, printed, and chopped to size for the big day. On one side, we had the day's timeline and on the other was our announcement that our ceremony was to be unplugged.

It worked perfectly! Not one of our ceremony pics was photo-bombed by the family photographer, and everyone soaked up the moment in real-time.
Memories I will cherish forever.
Since our own wedding, I have also had the pleasure of photographing hundreds of other couples tying the knot. Many have been unplugged, and many haven't. Many have had the intention of being unplugged, and there are always guests who don't listen. We get it, everyone wants to be responsible for getting 'the pic', but being present in the moment watching your loved ones walk down the aisle is far more important than that quick iPhone snap!
I've personally had guests from the front row stand out into the middle during the Brides procession toward her new spouse-to-be, I have had guests at the back of the room stand for the entire ceremony videoing on their mobile, in front of the professional camera recording the ceremony at the back of the room (yes, they even looked over their shoulder, directly into the camera lens and carried on doing their thang!)
But the most recent occurrence that sticks out to me was a gorgeously intimate ceremony of 10 people. 8 of those 10 guests sat there for the majority of the ceremony with their mobiles out filming and photographing. At one point, my Husband had to discreetly request the Father of the Bride to sit down as he stood in the aisle filming, only a few feet away from the couple.
For this particular event the couple had booked photography and full videography - I can only imagine the intensity of reading personal vows with 4 professional cameras and 8 mobile phones pointed at them!
Of course, there is every chance we massively misread the situation and this was exactly what they wanted...
So, if you haven't considered going unplugged... consider it!
And if you're a fan of my limited graphic-design skilled handy work, find a download to the Unplugged document below!